The Royal House (The RoyalOpera House) was founded in 1732, 1892 officially won the "British Royal Opera House" title, is a 280-year-old one of the world famous opera house, is also the London Covington Garden Covent Garden) the most prestigious British old theater (Figure 1 for the theater logo). Now the Royal Opera House is the third theater in the history of the theater, the first two theaters were burned in 1808 and 1856, respectively, in 1999 completed the recent theater and stage expansion and alteration, so that Its space utilization is higher, but also more convenient to meet the needs of homemade repertoire (Figure 2 for the theater scene). The Royal Opera House performs about 45 homemade opera and ballet works, and usually plays two different plays on the same stage every day. Therefore, the theater every day the stage is very busy, to go through the repertoire of conversion, choreography and props of the exchange of professional and other professional conversion. Nevertheless, the production of their works are well produced, there is no discount on the quality, the stage changes are varied. The stage, such as fireworks, trapeze, animals, firearms, mechanical movements, etc., greatly enriched the form of stage performances, broaden the space for artistic creation, but for the stage to perform Said that this also means that there are huge risks and risks, so how to ensure the safety of the performance process has become a very important issue.
Figure 1 British Royal Opera House logo
為完善Figure 2 The Royal Opera House
From the current status of the domestic theater management, managers pay more attention to the auditorium area and the stage area of fire safety, emphasizing the theaters fire partition settings, theater building structure fire retardant coating and fire equipment and equipment facilities can meet the national Related standards, but for the performance of the process there are hidden dangers do not have a good way to prevent and regulations. At present, the vast majority of theaters in the country are explicitly required to use any form of open flame, firearms, large animals, etc., which to some extent limit the designer and director of imagination and creativity, restricting the development of performing arts; But also to the stage workers often overlooked on the stage to disable the reasons for these means. Therefore, how to scientifically and effectively assess and control the performance of the risk, to ensure the safety of the performance at the same time as much as possible to meet the requirements of the director and designer, stage workers should think about the problem.
1 What is the stage performance risk 1.1 Stage performance risk definition This article will be the stage performance, the actors and the dance scenery of the security, the use of the push-pull lift station, the angle of the slope performance area of security, fire, firearms, chemical use, The safety of children and animals, the safety of the actors and the audience and the theater of the property security risks of the design, scheduling and other aspects, collectively referred to as the stage performance risk. Stage performance risk will cause the performance of interruption or cancellation, fire, casualties, theater damage and other extremely serious consequences. 1.2 Risk Assessment Node Risk assessment and control is a very important part of the entire process of stage performance production and should be one of the earlier tasks involved (Figure 3 shows the risk assessment node). The risk of the entire repertoire should be evaluated at the beginning or early stage of the design model. After the model is produced, a more comprehensive risk assessment and risk control can be made. The second stage should be completed before the stage
The risk of reassessment, to determine the final set of equipment and stage scheduling.道Figure 3 Risk assessment node diagram 2 Common risks in stage performance The common risks in stage performance include: 2.1 Fire safety According to the characteristics of the theater staff gathered, any form of open flame or flame in the stage performances are used with caution, because once the The fire will cause more serious personal injury and property damage. Theater building, the stage area and the auditorium area must have a very clear fire partition, and in the four directions of the stage should have a normal work of the fire screen, and in the fire screen is strictly prohibited to put any props, not as a performance area use. 2.2 personnel safety (high-altitude operations, slipping, tripping) stage performance in the safety of personnel there is a big risk, which includes the safety of staff and the rehearsal performance of the performance of the rehearsal. There is a risk of falling at high altitude, the risk of slipping and tripping, and there is a risk of falling, falling, and tripping over the high performance area. 2.3 electricity safety stage performance is a multi-type common operation to complete, therefore, between the professional safety of electricity and personnel safety is also a very important stage of the stage of security. 2.4 Background safety (falling, collapsed) stage set is usually hanging hoisting and stage stacking form, hanging ceiling is usually used in the form of fixed insurance rope, and the stage of the layout of the layout will need to map and structure between the conversion, to ensure that the stage The safety of the scenery. 2.5 Mechanical devices Safety (hoisting devices, push-pull elevators, etc.) Mechanisms include electric motors on the stage for the installation of the scene and the actors, including the boom, hanging 2.6 firearms and weapons security British Royal Opera House often used on the stage Armament weapons include rifle guns, pistols, swords and daggers (Figure 4 for the theater arsenal). To get more realistic effects, usuallyWeapons and components are more complete, therefore, there are also a lot of risk.
物Figure 4 Arsenal of the Royal Opera House 2.7 Child Safety In order to obtain some specific performance, the Royal Opera House stage will be arranged in the repertoire of children in the repertoire. As the childrens self-control ability is poor, but also to the show a certain degree of risk. 2.8 animal safety in the stage performances rarely use animals, once used will bring a certain risk to the show. In the absence of performance, animal management is also a risk. 2.9 Safety of chemicals Explosive, combustion, flammable, toxic, corrosive, harmful, irritating1)說明:
Table 1 Royal Opera House Stage Performance Risk Assessment Method Level of potential risk: action, scheduling or participants potential safety hazard, divided into no need to take measures, need first aid, mild injury, major injury, death a total of 5 levels. Probability of occurrence: potential security risks occur, it is extremely unlikely, impossible, possible, very likely, most likely a total of 5 levels. Risk index: the potential risk level of the abscissa and the probability of occurrence of the ordinate The cross point is the risk index. Risk risk is higher than 6 (yellow and red areas), risk control is required and risk reassessment is required. 4 can take the risk reduction method Table 2 for the stage show the potential risks and reduce the risk of the method.
Table 2 Potential risks and risk reduction methods for stage performance 5 Risk reassessment risk reassessment method (see Table 3) Note:
Table 3 UK Royal Opera House stage performance risk reassessment method in the use of methods to control the risk, the risk of another assessment. If the risk is still higher than 12 (red area), you must cancel the risk or schedule it if you can reduce the risk to a range (green area) that can be performed. The risk assessment form of the Royal Opera House is shown in Appendix 1. Chinas National Grand Theater stage safety management regulations see Appendix 2. Stage performance, the artistic level is very important, but the performance of security is the prerequisite for the pursuit of artistic standards. Therefore, the stage workers have the responsibility for the integration of art and technology to find the most secure entry point, in the protection of personnel, property safety under the premise of maximizing the artists creativity, and truly become a strong support for artistic creation. Risk assessment links to ensure the safety of the stage is an important technical means, the urgent need to cause the attention of stage workers.