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2015/12/23 stagelight wedding application

The main role of light is lighting, but as long as the application properly, it can also create a lot of colorful scenes, and all walks of life have a close contact in the wedding scene, how to use li...

2015/11/18 stagelight

For the stage performance, because it involves complex character performances and the stage environment, so the need for stage lighting hue, color, color temperature, brightness, projection range, dim...

2015/11/11 stagelight develope

With the continuous development of Chinas economy, peoples living standards are constantly improving, the most obvious is the pursuit of the enjoyment of life, therefore, this demand is also a direct ...

2015/10/28 wedding LED Parlight

Lighting is our daily life can not be separated from the lighting equipment, and in the eyes of businesses, the lights are changing thousands of uses, many long before the yellow leader of the century...

2015/10/21 LED Parlight

2017 Guangzhou International Lighting Festival will be held on November 14, 2017 officially opened, then, across the Pearl River from the Guangzhou Tower and the Pearl River New City East Tower, the f...

2015/10/17 stagelight

Every year, Guangzhou will host an annual festival of light, the last year I personally went to enjoy some of the modern festival in Guangzhou, can be described as star-studded, dazzling, that colorfu...

2015/9/30 stagelight

In the stage performance, the rational use of color light for the stage performance by adding light, making the stage more prominent effect, which is a lot of stage lighting manufacturers to pursue an...

2015/9/16 LED Parlight

In our daily life, there are activities at all times, T stage show, auto show, theme park, indoor stage, etc., these activities greatly enriched our daily life, to bring more fun to our lives , But at...

The role of light in life

2015/9/9 Light Life

The light is the eyes of a city, especially between the grand festivals, where the city is full of colorful lights, standing high, overlooking the city, you will find a beautiful night by the light, t...

LED Par light category

2015/9/2 LED ParLight

Engaged in the stage lighting industry professionals are familiar with the LED par lamp, but with the continuous improvement of peoples lives, LED par light is no longer confined to business occasions...











Guangzhou SiCheng Stage lighting audio Technology Co., Ltd | Professional stage lighting manufacturing experience